About Me

Hi there! I am a software engineer currently at BNY Mellon. My interests are in machine learning and mobile apps development. During my free time, I like to bike ride and practice judo.

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Work Experience

I am currently a software engineer at BNY, working on custody transaction health monitoring involving web app services and distributed streaming analytics!

I was a software engineer intern at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. As an intern under the 313D section, I helped to develop a system modeller for the Europa team. The system modeller is a web application that is built off of a react / mongo framework.

At Bentley Systems, I was largely responsible for creating android and iOS app for form submissions.

I was a cofounder of Lumoq. Lumoq enables a person with a mobile device to win virtual goods by physically shopping. I was responsible for the mobile application for android and NFC interfacing.


Let's Get In Touch!

david.r.tsui "at" gmail.com